These bags are our picks for the perfect 'no-fuss' everyday handbags. As you may have noticed from our outfit posts, we always opt for smaller handbags, rather than larger duffle sized bags. This may be because we are petite and feel as though if we use a bag much bigger than these we would look like a businesswoman carrying her briefcase to work. When buying any leather goods you have the option to blow all your savings or to opt for something more cost-effective. None of these options are going to save you many pennies, but we can guarantee they will last and stick with you season upon season.
On a side note, we have come to the conclusion black is the only way to go when purchasing an everyday handbag. We've made the mistake in the past of buying brown handbags and even 'sea-mist' and although we may have loved them at first, that love soon turned into frustration at the fact that they didn't look right with many of our outfits. So we say - always opt for black!
Which is your favourite?
Which is your favourite?
Kate & Liv x
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